
Friday, January 25, 2019

My Hair Is Remarkably Long

My Hair Is Remarkably Long

I've written a new poem about my hair. It's called 'My Hair Is Remarkably Long'. I hope you like it. Here it is.

I can wrap it around myself thrice when it's cold
It's the texture of silk and the colour of gold
I've been growing it since I was seven months old
My hair is remarkably long

Yes it's long, and it's strong, and it's fragrant and fair
If I sold it then I'd be a millionaire
But I love it, it's mine, and I don't want to share
My hair is remarkably long

For a terrible moment I thought it was lost
(It had trailed in some gum that a litterbug tossed)
But the gum was removed at exorbitant cost
So my hair's still remarkably long

I will grow it until I'm one hundred and three
Till Antarctica melts and we're back in the sea
Until even Rapunzel is balder than me...

But it's already remarkably long!


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