Everyone knows you shouldn’t take internet
personality tests seriously, but I don’t know any other easy way of measuring
how rightwing I’m becoming, so every so often I take the Political Compass test.
You answer a questionnaire and it rates you on two scales: libertarian-authoritarian
and socialist-capitalist. Then it puts you on a graph with various other people
like Stalin, Silvio Berlusconi and Nelson Mandela so you can see how you compare. I
don’t think they got Stalin to take the test though, so putting him in the
socialist/authoritarian quadrant must have been an educated guess. What puzzles
me is that no matter how rightwing I feel like I’m becoming, it always plonks
me firmly in the libertarian socialist corner next to the Dalai Lama. I’m not
surprised about the libertarian thing but I’m puzzled about the socialism. It’s
not like I want to collectivize the means of production or put a 99% income tax
on the top 1% or anything like that anymore. I’ve got three explanations for why they still count me as such a leftie.
One is that the test is badly designed. They
either ask unrevealing questions or have a lousy algorithm for turning the
information into an assessment of how rightwing I am. I think the second is more
likely: the questions look divisive enough to me.
The second is that you just can’t tell how
rightwing someone is by getting them to fill in a questionnaire. When I first
took Simon Baron-Cohen’s empathy test and landed deep in the autistic zone I
was a bit taken aback, but then it was pointed out to me that asking people
whether they can read minds isn’t a foolproof way of finding out if they can.
Maybe political views are like that: people assess their views on the basis of
slogans like ‘free trade is fair trade’ and shibboleths like abortion, but this
assessment might not be borne out by the positions they take on specific issues when they arise.
The last explanation is that I’m really not that
rightwing, and that’s because becoming more pragmatic with age just can’t
make you that rightwing. I think there are three reasons to support economic
liberty which are often conflated, although it’s not clear to me they even
overlap. One advantage is that free markets are often the most efficient way of
getting the people what they want and need. Another is that economic freedom is
a kind of freedom. The third is that capitalism distributes more goods to the
most productive people. It seems to me that only the third is particularly up
for debate in terms of its factual basis, but the only one I place much value
on is the first. I’m not much fussed about who is most deserving, and much as I
like Robert Nozick I’m willing to restrict people’s economic freedom a fair bit
if it gets the needy what they need. If banning me from paying you £2 an hour
to serve fast food is what will raise most children out of poverty then I’m happy
to take the hit. The arguments from efficiency, freedom and desert really are
distinct, and as far as I can tell they’re quite independent of each other
and only one is much good. So why do we keep voting for such rightwing people?